Home Modifications That Improve Winter Safety

January 11, 2023 | Posted in brownbuilding

Washington’s cold winter season can take a toll on even the best-built homes. However, many homeowners don’t understand the importance of winter home maintenance and how it can benefit their residences. That’s why Brown Building Contractors put together an efficient winter home maintenance checklist so you can prepare your home for colder climates.

Brown Building Contractors is one of Washington’s leading residential remodeling companies. We’ve been performing first-class home modifications for over 25 years, giving us the experience we need to handle even the most challenging home improvement projects. Continue reading to learn crucial winter home maintenance tips to fall-proof your home and keep your home pristine throughout the season.

winter home maintenance checklist

Top Home Modifications That Improve Winter Safety

General home maintenance is a vital part of homeownership. It ensures your home remains in tip-top shape no matter what mother nature throws its way. Washington’s frigid winters can adversely affect your home in numerous ways, making fall-proofing your home and home maintenance more critical than ever.

However, if you follow the winter preparation checklist below, your home will withstand the harsh winter season with relative ease.

Improve Your Home’s Insulation

A well-insulated home retains heat and doesn’t put unnecessary stress on your heating system, significantly lowering your energy payments. Always ensure your home has property insulation to prevent cold air from penetrating your home and reducing your indoor comfort. It’s best to contact a professional home improvement company to assess your home’s insulation and improve it if necessary.

Upgrade Your Piping System

Cold temperatures often freeze residential piping and cause them to burst, resulting in extensive structural damage and insufficient plumbing. Replacing your old pipes with PVC or copper piping will reduce the chance of pipe freezing and bursting, preserving your home while preventing costly repairs. You can also let your faucet drip during excessively low temperatures to safeguard your pipes from freezing.

Replace Your Smoke Detector’s Batteries

Many homeowners use their fireplaces and portable heaters to stay warm during winter. However, using these appliances and accessories dramatically increase the probability of fires.

Always ensure your smoke detectors have fresh batteries to alert you if a fire occurs. You can also install more detectors around vulnerable areas to give your home an extra layer of protection against potential blazes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Home Modifications for Winter

Can You Do Home Renovation in the Winter?

Yes. Brown Building Contractors offers high-quality home renovation services throughout the year. We can winterize your home and improve its appearance at a price that fits your budget.

How Do I Prepare My House for Winter Weather?

Performing the above home modifications is one of the best ways to ensure your home withstands Washington’s harsh winter temperatures. You can also contact a professional home improvement company like Brown Building Contractors to further safeguard your home.

Contact Brown Building Contractors for High-Quality Home Renovation Services in Washington

If you need help performing home modifications to protect your home this winter, contact Brown Building Contractors. We will help you with your winter home preparation checklist while providing outstanding customer service along the way Give us a call at (360) 515-3334 today!

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